Blog - Sioux Falls, SD Decorative Finishes & Painting | Bella Faux
Think Bella! – New Ideas…”Wallpaper or Bella?”
Posted on January 11, 2025

“Think Bella! – If you are starting a New Project and would like to view a variety of New Interior Design Ideas.”
“Everyone is so busy today…. everyone is looking for Quick Ideas, Solutions and Inspiration. Today, as wallpaper is losing its popularity, nobody wants to page through… endless Wallpaper Books. We are looking for fresh ideas now!”
If you would like to share some ideas about your project, we would love to hear about your project!

Free Interior Design Ideas, Follow these steps:
(1) Email us some pictures of your project at: [email protected]
(2) Tell us about your project goals. Are you looking for Paint Color Ideas, Wallpaper Removal, Unique Decorative Finishes, Column Marbling or Interior Painting.

We will review your project and email a variety of ideas back to you.
“Since 2005, Bella has been a great resource for Historic & Timeless Wow Ideas!”
“On projects, we will hear comments from “Ask Bella” to “Where the hell is Bella”, pretty funny!”
Finally, everyone is so busy today. This is a quicker way to start the conversation with absolutely… “no hint of obligation”!
No Meeting Required!
You can also reach us on our Office Phone: (605) 362-5750
Leave your name, number and tell us a little about your project and we will get back to you.
Thanks for your Interest in our Art!
Note – Our website is easy to remember.
Read the Testimonials we have received, on our website and Facebook Business page, through the years from Clients sharing their Bella experience.
Like Us and Follow us on our Facebook page to view New Projects… First!
Stay Safe! We look forward to hearing about your project…

David & Mark Nordgren – Bella Faux Finishes, LLC

Think Bella! – Think Covid-19, our World has Changed, how Bella will share our Art & Ideas in the future!”
Posted on March 15, 2020
Picture above is David and Amber Nordgren, at a concert in Phoenix. This was just before the Covid-19 event took over our country.
Long time since the last update. David and I finished up a project in Feb 2020 and then everything changed.
For Bella Faux Finishes, David and I have put a hold on all 2020 projects March 1st, 2020. The unknown with Covid-19 demanded that for our company, the smart decision was to shelter for now. The risks are too high for our family business.
During the lockdown we have been working on “New Interior Design Ideas and New Decorative Finishes”.
Social distancing will be paramount on future projects. For someone that loves to talk, heck I could talk to a tree I think, this will not be easy. But to stay safe, we will need to be the only ones working in the area, no exceptions.
We will know more and share more down the road, when we feel it’s safe to start back up.
Till then, stay safe everyone!
I will share some misc pics of family and project photos.
They may or may not inspire you for your next project. Remember, the only way to create… “The Wow Effect” is by nudging yourself out of the Common Comfort Zone. This means todays common colors and Interior Design Ideas that you see repeated on projects.
You truly only need “One Unique Area” in your home to raise the drama of your entire project. Your capital investment can be minimal, compared to the comments you will receive through the years.
David & I have some fun unique projects waiting for us. Some “Very Cool Rooms” that we will transform into something that we have never seen before in the Midwest or the Sioux Falls area.
Thanks again for you Interest in our Art!
Keep your family Safe, we will talk very soon!
Mark & David Nordgren
Below Mark & Kathleen Nordgren in Chicago.
Family dogs… Willis, Ruby & Bella
Claire & Owen Nordgren
Michael Nordgren, Katie & Charlie
Katie & Jason Nordgren
“A Unique Beer & a Unique Bella Faux Finish”
Like & Follow us on Facebook! Here is where we will share our Updates & New Decorative Finishes First!
Think Bella! – Before you “Pick your Paint”, you need to “Pick your Wow”! Rarely does paint alone create… “The Wow Effect”
Posted on November 1, 2019“Claire is just learning… “How to Create the Wow Effect”!
She is Very Creative and Eager to Learn…”
Are you Starting a New Project?
Before you “Pick your Paint”, you need to Identify and “Pick your Wow’s”!
Rarely does paint alone create… “The Wow Effect”!
Find your “Wow Areas” First. This is the most important step if your desire is to “Raise the Drama”…
Too often people will rush the painting, choose a color and then regret the decision because it doesn’t lay well with a New “Decorative Finish” they have found and Love.
If you are ready to change the “Paint Colors” in your home and are hungry to “Raise the Drama” and create some “Wow’s”, David and I would love to meet with you!
(1) We will come to your home or business, Listen to your Ideas, View your project and share our thoughts on where the Unique Areas are in your home that could create… “The Wow Effect”.
(2) Next, we will look at Paint Colors and Decorative Finishes that would be perfect for those areas. You may keep some samples to test for effect through the day and night.
For 14 years Bella Faux Finishes has offered Free Interior Design assistance.
Bella also offers Interior Painting at a price point you will like.
Our portfolio of “Project Pictures” and “Testimonials” tell the story of working with Bella Faux Finishes.
If you would like to meet Bella Faux Finishes, you can reach us at the following:
Office: (605) 362-5750
David Nordgren (605) 201-1759 Call or Text
Also, “Follow us on Facebook”! Here is where we share our New Decorative Finishes first and Projects.
You can also Instant Message Bella on our Facebook page.
You can also View Projects and Samples of Decorative Finishes at “”
“Below… Bella Painting Services”
“Bella Faux Finishes offers… “Affordable Interior Painting”!
On Projects today, we are doing more and more Interior Painting…
I think our Clients like our “Affordable Pricing for Painting”, combined with our large portfolio of “Unique Decorative Finishes” and our “Interior Design Ideas”.
But you will have to read the “Testimonials” we have received to learn more about working with Bella.
“David and I Love meeting our New Dog Friends on projects! Miss Ella!”
“This Weekend, create a “Wow Punch List”! Here you will Identify… Where in your Home or Business you would like to “Raise the Drama”! Then, Let’s Talk & Share some Ideas! Office (605) 362-5750
“Bella needs a break, Kathy & I looking for Wow Ideas in Chicago…”
David Nordgren – Artist / Co-Owner – Bella Faux Finishes, LLC
Think Bella! – Think Chevron! How to create a “Chevron” that will “WOW” your Family & Friends!
Posted on March 15, 2019“Client asks David & me, can you do a “Chevron”? David and I look at each other, what’s a “Chevron”?
With the help of our Clients, Lonnie & Julie, we now know what a “Chevron” is.
(Chevron – It is a Zig-Zag pattern that dates back to 1800 BC. Chevron is similar to a Herringbone pattern)
Bella Faux Finishes now includes “Chevron’s” in our Art Portfolio for Clients.
What was fun about this project, instead of using a common paint color, we introduced a Unique Decorative Finish!
If you are looking for New Interior Design Ideas for your project, David & I would love to meet with you.
Call or Text… David Nordgren at (605) 201-1759 to schedule a meeting.
Office (605) 362-5750 – Let’s Talk and share some Ideas!
Visit: to view a variety of Decorative Finishes
Also, Like Us on Facebook, here is where we share our New Projects and New Art… First!
My Dad passed on Jan 18, 2019, he was 92. I haven’t updated our “Think Bella Blog” for almost a year. David and I just worked projects and I enjoyed my time with Dad. Took him everywhere I could and captured so many moments on film and pictures. Mom passed away on Jan 8, 2017, she was 92. He is now with Mom, I love them both so much! I miss their Love, Wit, and Charm every single day…
Think Bella! – Today Wallpaper is on everyones mind. Before you Invest in todays trend, compare the Advantages of a Unique Decorative Finish. From Cost, Effect & Drama…. Compare for Yourself the Wow!”
Posted on April 15, 2018Our New “Bella Faux Finishes” mobile website has been getting … Great Reviews!
It is easy to view Hundreds of New Decorative Finishes on any mobile device or desktop.
Just visit:
If you would like your home to have a higher level of Wow than some of todays Interior Design Trends, give us a call!
We would love to share samples with you and help you identify where your Wow Areas are.
The meeting is Free and there is never ever a hint of obligation!
Call or Text David Nordgren at (605) 201-1759
Think Bella! – Ready to Wow your Home or Business? Go to “” to view stunning New Decorative Finishes!
Posted on March 15, 2018Our New “Bella Faux Finishes” mobile website has been getting… Great Reviews!
It is easy to view Hundreds of New Decorative Finishes on any mobile device or desktop.
Just visit:
Would you like to share some ideas about your project and view samples?
Call or Text David Nordgren at (605) 201-9246
Think Bella! – WOW!! .. go to “” on any Mobile Phone or Tablet. “Everybody” needs New Interior Design Ideas!
Posted on February 22, 2018Our New Mobile “Bella Faux Finishes” website is now… Live!
(1) On any Mobile Device, Phone or Tablet, or Computer go to “”
You will be able to view Hundreds of Samples and a Large Portfolio of Ideas for “Color, Texture & Effect”.
Also you will view many Projects that David and I have introduced them on.
Keith Urban… Crushes it, explaining why “Everybody” needs… Somebody!
On Projects, it takes a Talented Team of Professionals to create a Successful Result with many Wow’s!
Rarely, does one person have all of the ideas.
As Keith Urban says…. “Everybody needs Somebody”!
Since 2005, Bella Faux Finishes Goal was to become a Great Resource for New Interior Design Ideas when Introducing and Layering… “Color, Texture & Effect”.
My son, David and I, made the decision to Study and Learn the Best Decorative Finishes from around the World, invest capital in their product and make them available in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and the surrounding states.
Question… Who should use and go to “” on any Phone or Tablet?
(1) Homeowners
(2) Interior Designers
(3) Architects
(4) Home Builders
(5) Contractors
Where else can you view Hundreds of Decorative Finishes from around the world on your Tablet?
Where else can you immediately pull up a Unique Color, Texture & Effect and test it on a Design Board?
“The Wow Effect” is created by introducing the Perfect… “Color, Texture & Effect”.
New Ideas are Critical to achieve this goal!
The Best Interior Designers, Home Builders and Architects can not repeat similar Interior Designs on new projects. They have to stay consistently Unique!
The Very Best are Always looking for New Ideas and Possibilities.
Again, Bella Faux Finishes is just another resource. Our App may give you an idea for your next project…
Great Interior Design is always a struggle!
Great Interior Design is a process of solving problems!
At Bella Faux, our Goal is to make this process a little bit easier and more convenient when searching for New Interior Design Ideas.
On any Mobile Device, Phone or Tablet, you can view the “Bella Faux Finishes” by going to ““!
Our Main Business Website is:, where you can learn more about our Art.
Finally, here are a few great quotes on the subject of Design:
“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser
“I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else.” – Pablo Picasso
“Great design is eliminating all unnecessary details.” – Minh D. Tran
“Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more.” – Alexander Isley
“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” – Mary Lou Cook
“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” – Dr. Edwin Land
“Design has allowed us to stand out; to look different and show that difference body.” – Joe Mansueto
And One more…………..
“Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
David, Owen & Mark Nordgren – Bella Faux Finishes, LLC
And…. Miss Claire Nordgren. Notice the Decorative Finish on the wall… just an idea?
You will find many New Decorative Finishes using your Mobile Phone or Tablet when you visit “”.
Think Bella! – Coming Soon… Bella Faux Finishes Google Play App and “” Mobile Phone & Tablet App!
Posted on January 30, 2018This month, we have been finishing projects and working on our New “Bella Faux Finishes” Phone and Tablet App!
The “Think Bella” App will be Very Cool, making it very Easy to Peak at our Portfolio of Decorative Finishes… without leaving the couch!
David and I are Very Excited to share that our New “Bella Faux Finishes” App is now available at the “Google Play“ store. The App is being updated now, so look for the… New Update.
“iPhones – Sorry”, it is not available on Apple Phones yet. They changed their protocol and requirements in December 2017, removing thousands of small business apps. So we are working with Apple to get our App on the Apple App Store. Will let you know when it is live. We love Apple, so we will do everything we can to get our App on the Apple App store.
Until then…
Any Mobile Phone or Tablet: go to ““, to view the mobile version off the App.
Note – This application is built for mobile devices, so it does not view well on a main computer.
Our Main Bella Faux Finishes Website: go to
Below, David’s son Owen, awaiting the birth of his sister Claire, showed us what “True Excitement” really looks like!
And now… Let me Introduce… “Claire”
You will find many New Decorative Finishes at ““ on any Mobile Device, Phone or Tablet!
Try it on your Phone or Tablet! We would love to hear what you think…
Think Bella! – “Happy Holidays, 2018 is here with… Bella Faux Art for your Home or Business!”
Posted on December 31, 2017Happy Holidays Everyone! 2018 is here, Bella Faux Finishes is Excited to share our New Art with You!
Below… we have a short “Think Bella” Video of the “Bella Family” and then a few past projects that will give you a peak… into the drama that is created, when you choose the “Perfect Decorative Finish”!
Wallpaper is on everyones short list today. We love Wallpaper too, but it has its limitations…
For One, Wallpaper is not “Original Art” that is created by hand on your Walls, Ceilings or Columns.
It is a copy of a print that is then pasted on a wall. There are some stunning Wallpaper Effects that we love! But, Usually this stunning effect comes with a very high cost per foot.
Compare the Cost – Take the time to compare the Cost and the Final Effect between Wallpaper and Decorative Finishes. Almost all of our Decorative Finishes are more affordable than wallpaper.
Wallpaper vs Decorative Finishes: Before you choose and invest your capital, take 30 mins to compare? Our meetings are short with never ever a hint of obligation. We are just honored to meet you and hear about your project.
Would you like to Meet? – Call or Text David Nordgren at (605) 201-1759 if you would like to view samples of our Decorative Finishes and share some New Interior Design Ideas about your project.
The meeting is… short and its Free!
Also, Like Us on Facebook, if you would like to learn more about our Art! Here is where we share our New Decorative Finishes and Projects First!
Wishing you the Best, we look forward to meeting you at your project!
Mark Nordgren – 2005 Founder/Co-Owner – Bella Faux Finishes, LLC
“If you would like to view more Think Bella Videos, Subscribe to us on YouTube!”
Think Bella! – Here Goes… Our First Video Blog! Click if you wish or Just Take a Nap, it is a Little Rough…
Posted on November 15, 2017David & Amber, blessed Kathy & I with our beautiful Granddaughter… Claire!
This video was just a practice clip, never intended to use this one, but wanted to get something out.
So here it is. I promise you it will get better…
David and I are so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with so many “Unique Decorative Finishes” from around the world.
Few people… have seen some of these finishes.
Below is our YouTube Channel.
We will be sharing our videos first on “YouTube Channel”.
If you Subscribe, you will be the first to view them. Note – Its Free to Subscribe!
I will share some photos of this project.
Notice that we just did “One” Bathroom Wall. On many projects, that is all that you need to change the drama in the room.
Cost Wise? Our finishes are based on square footage. So your investment is very affordable! Especially compared to the cost for “Wallpaper”.
If you would like to meet and share some idea about your project, Let’s Talk!
Call or Text David Nordgren at (605) 201-1759.
David schedules our meetings and projects. We look forward to meeting with you!
Note – there is never ever a hint of obligation when we meet.
We are just honored to have the opportunity to meet you and share some of our ideas.
Also, if you are Interested in our Art, “Like Us on Facebook”. Here is where we share our New Decorative Finishes and New Projects… First!