Picture above is David and Amber Nordgren, at a concert in Phoenix. This was just before the Covid-19 event took over our country.
Long time since the last update. David and I finished up a project in Feb 2020 and then everything changed.
For Bella Faux Finishes, David and I have put a hold on all 2020 projects March 1st, 2020. The unknown with Covid-19 demanded that for our company, the smart decision was to shelter for now. The risks are too high for our family business.
During the lockdown we have been working on “New Interior Design Ideas and New Decorative Finishes”.
Social distancing will be paramount on future projects. For someone that loves to talk, heck I could talk to a tree I think, this will not be easy. But to stay safe, we will need to be the only ones working in the area, no exceptions.
We will know more and share more down the road, when we feel it’s safe to start back up.
Till then, stay safe everyone!
I will share some misc pics of family and project photos.
They may or may not inspire you for your next project. Remember, the only way to create… “The Wow Effect” is by nudging yourself out of the Common Comfort Zone. This means todays common colors and Interior Design Ideas that you see repeated on projects.
You truly only need “One Unique Area” in your home to raise the drama of your entire project. Your capital investment can be minimal, compared to the comments you will receive through the years.
David & I have some fun unique projects waiting for us. Some “Very Cool Rooms” that we will transform into something that we have never seen before in the Midwest or the Sioux Falls area.
Thanks again for you Interest in our Art!
Keep your family Safe, we will talk very soon!
Mark & David Nordgren
Below Mark & Kathleen Nordgren in Chicago.
Family dogs… Willis, Ruby & Bella
Claire & Owen Nordgren
Michael Nordgren, Katie & Charlie
Katie & Jason Nordgren
“A Unique Beer & a Unique Bella Faux Finish”
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